Helen Lambert's profile

DENSIFICATION: Project Conclusion

The precedents of the project was to design a high-density structure that engaged within the landscape and was enveloped throughout to create a highway of levels, spaces, and pathways to connect not only private with public, but residential with commercial. The project focuses on a new ecological way of living, echoing the past, but providing for the future. Acting as a hub, the infrastructure joins two sides of the city together, drawing across the River Lea and through the site, eloping the ecology park terrain with the building mass and re-establishing a long forgotten landscape. 
/1/_ INFASTRCUTURE LAYER_ London Underground
Connecting the Leamouth Peninsula to a greater substructure, the project now creates several routes across the site in contrast to the cul-du-sac layout at present, all the while encompassing a high-density housing arrangement addressing the water conditions and strategically allowing a singular person to move though the landscape as freely as possible, exploring the city when desired. 
/2/_ INFASTRUCTURE LAYER_ Logistical Vehicle access and storage 
The overall design attends to the yearned for sleek, modern and stylish architectural detail that brings austerity and pride. The layering of the typography and levels allows for a series of high density living quarters catering for various family sizes and class, as well as providing ample of ways of navigating the environment. This immediate access to a breathable landscape begins to reconnect the inhabitants with the city but also providing public and private ways to explore the overall structure. Thus this will not create a highway of pedestrian traffic through the residential segment of the building but allows an equal access to any location on the site. 
/3/_ INFASTRCUTRE LAYER_ Functionality Groupings
/4/_ INFASTRCTURE LAYER_ Emirates Airline Extension
The Leamouth Peninsula has been the subject of various residential projects and competitions; however the projects do not bring through a viable corporate income. My project therefore was to design a building landscape that allowed for a commercial development to intertwine with a high density living development, which also addressed the needs of the site.  The commercial development is the main focus of the architectural narrative which flows through to the high-density living arrangement and on to the connections across the river. As with extracting a landscape through the structure, the architectural design also meanders through the landscape whereby neither one become the dominate present.  
The project also embraces and further develops the Bow Creek Ecology Park. Formerly an ironworks, shipyard and coal wharf, the industrial site was transformed into a wildlife haven. The park also boasts an outdoor classroom; however upon visiting the site, the dead-end transition has created a hub for petty crime and vandalism in which has turned the classroom into an unsavoury location. Therefore, by incorporating the ecology theme, opting to expand the principles through the landscape of the entire site and drawing across the Architectural merit, the introduction of an ecology school allows for the site to be maintained officially and monitored to ensure wildlife can be sustained and encouraged further in the new and improved environment.
/6/_ COMPARTMENTAL DETAIL_ Commercial Sector  
/7/_OVERAL PLAN_ Level 01
/8/_ OVERAL PLAN_ Level 03
/9/_ OVERAL PLAN_ Level 02
/11/_ HYBRID RENDERS SECTION_ Residential Sector 
/12/_ HYBRID RENDERS SECTION_ Commercial Sector 
DENSIFICATION: Project Conclusion

DENSIFICATION: Project Conclusion

Conclusion to MA(arch) Masters of Architecture Project for 6th 2014
